International practice may be applied to matters for which neither the law of the People's Republic of China nor any international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China has any provisions. 中华人民共和国法律和中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约没有规定的,可以适用国际惯例。
813 That's international practice. We can't break it. 这是国际惯例,我们不能违背。
Trustee in bankruptcy system is a common international practice, which is one of more mature systems in Anglo-American law system countries bankrupt law. 破产管理人制度是国际上通行的做法,是英美法系国家破产法中较为成熟的制度之一。
To what degree and in what way does international practice now characterise the profession of landscape architecture? 国际实践能在多大程度上并用怎样的方式表现景观建筑行业的特色?
Provide various kinds of service according to the international practice. 按照国际惯例提供各种服务。
Harmonized system is among the earliest trade systems in compliance with the international practice in china. 协调制度是我国与世界接轨较早的制度之一。
The policy and procedures regarding government procurement provided for therein were consistent with international practice. 其中规定的有关政府采购的政策和程序是与国际惯例相一致的。
We should act according to international practice. 我们应该按照国际惯例来行事。
It's pointed out that China's standards of edible chemicals must suit well with the market economy, and fit into the international practice. 指出我国食用化学品标准要适应市场经济,与国际惯例接轨。
The motors are adopted with F class insulation and designed with assessing method for insulation system according to international practice, it enhances greatly motor's safety and reliability. 根据国际惯例,它被采用了F绝缘等级和估定所设计的方法做为绝缘系统。
In a sense, the development and production of protective clothing should be consistent with the needs of society and international practice. 从某种意义上说,防护服的开发生产,必须与社会需求相适应,必须与国际接轨。
With the acceleration of economic globalization and the further opening-up of our country's economy our country's economy will surely be involved in the world economic system, which requires our tax policy to follow the international practice. 摘要经济全球化进程的加快及我国经济整体开放程度的提高,将使我国经济日益融入到世界经济体系之中,客观上要求我国的税收政策必须与国际惯例接轨。
As a general theme, China's tax practice is drawing closer to the international practice. 普遍的主题是,中国税务实践正向国际靠拢。
This paper illustrates the basic means and procedures of material measuring in drawing up engineering cost by introductions of international practice on engineering cost drawing-up. 本文通过对国际社会编制工程造价惯例的介绍,阐明了“实物量法”编制工程造价的基本方法和步骤。
In terms of training here, we are conducting international practice, and trying to build a training system with Chinese characteristics to cater for the economic development of China. 谈到这里的培训,我们采用的是国际惯例,力争建立一个有中国特色的培训体系,以适应中国的经济发展。
The management and strategy of Chinese enterprise should be in line with international practice. 中国企业的经营理念和方式应当尽快与国际接轨。
China will engage in foreign trade activities in accordance with international practice. 中国将更严格地按照国际通行的贸易规则从事对外贸易活动。
Regulations are also made on the functions and legal status of contract in the Chinese law according to the international practice. 中国的法律也遵照国际惯例,对合同的作用和法律地位做了规定。
When the National Flags of two or more nations are displayed in foreign affairs activities, relevant provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the international practice shall be followed. 在外事活动中同时升挂两个以上国家的国旗时,应当按照外交部的规定或者国际惯例升挂。
It is international practice that reinspection should be made. 根据国际惯例应进行复查。
Shantou is further optimizing invest environment, normalizing economic order and speeding up the step to realize international practice. 汕头将进一步优化投资环境、规范经济秩序,加快与国际接轨步伐,努力建成高新技术产业的重要基地;
For an international model contract to become an international practice, it must have the characteristics of being international, quasi-mandatory, general and regular. 摘要国际示范合同要成为国际惯例,须具有跨国性、准强制性、一般性和规范性。
Government agencies handle their business affairs in accordance with international practice and ensure legal rights of investors. 政府机关按国际惯例办事,确保投资商的合法权益。
In practice, China has effectively implemented the principles of doing business in accordance with the international practice and integrating with the international practice. 实践中,已经切实贯彻着按照国际惯例办事,与国际惯例接轨的原则。
Having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience. to Bring China's economy more in line with international practice 对直接的经验清楚、鲜明。使中国经济与国际接轨
In line with international practice and with the recommendations by the bank for international settlements, a private sector solution has been devised for the US dollar clearing system. 按照国际惯例以及参考国际结算银行的建议,我们为美元结算系统定出了一个私营机构解决办法。
Its necessary for Zhenjiang to bring the tourism destination marketing in line with international practice under the condition of economic globalization. 镇江市是我国旅游温点城市之一,在全球经济一体化的条件下,其旅游目的地营销与国际接轨势在必行。
We want to demonstrate that a large-scale wind farm using best international practice is possible. 我们希望做出示范,表明利用商业化方式采用先进经验建设大型风电场是可能的,这就是平潭所起的作用。
After entering WTO, if we want to establish an administration system with Chinese features and in the same track with international practice, we must carry out reform. 入世后,我国要建立既保持中国特色,又与国际惯例接轨的行政管理体制,就必须进行改革。
The reform must be deepened, and furthermore, the engineering construction and management must be implemented according to international practice with the more and more open market. 面对进一步开放的市场,必须进一步深化改革,按照国际惯例来实施工程建设和管理。